Friday 27 June 2008

Kitt Kittredge

There are as many young actors on screen in Kitt Kittredge: An American Girl, as there are luminary adults � Stanley Tucci, Joan Cusack, Wallace Shawn and Julia Ormond among them � which is appropriate since this is the film that will be competing with Wall-E for family movie dollars this summer.

Based on one of the immensely popular American Girl dolls, it�s features Abigail Breslin (Little Miss Sunshine) as the title character, an inquisitive little girl whose family is suffering from the economic ravages of the Great Depression. The cast also includes movie veterans such as 12-year-old Zach Mills and freshly-minted heartthrob Max Thieriot (Jumper, Nancy Drew), as well as newcomers like Madison Davenport, all of whom suffered a whirlwind press weekend in Los Angeles recently with an entourage of mothers, minders and puppies in tow.

�My grandma grew up in the Great Depression,� Breslin tells us, �so I talked to her about that, and she told me things like they put sugar on their tongues and would drink their tea over it, and everybody was in the same situation back then, and she told me that the clothes (in the movie) looked really authentic and everything, so that was good.�

�Abby was so sweet," Davenport recalls, when asked about the movie�s Toronto shoot.

"Abigail is so nice and down to earth," agrees Mills.

"She's a professional,� Thieriot says. �She's truly like a professional. She's a great person and then she can completely become the character, and then go back to being a 12-year old kid."

Davenport changed her hair colour for her role as Ruthie, Kitt�s best friend. �I was there when she died her hair," adds Mills, who plays a boarder in the Kittredge house.

"I cut off his circulation," laughs Davenport

"I very nearly lost an arm," Mills deadpans.

For his role as a young hobo, Thieriot recalls director Patricia Rozema asking if he�d be willing to live the part a bit. �She said 'What do you think about not eating as much?' And so I literally changed my entire diet on the film, and it doesn't really look like it, but before filming started I was 160 pounds, and I went down to, like, 140. I lost 20 pounds in less than a month by just drinking juice and eating soup.�

Breslin mostly remembers working with other kids as being liberating. �It was really fun to get to work with other kids, but everybody on the movie was really nice and we had fun - me and Madison and Zach would go out every night to a mall or a movie and everything, so it was really fun.�

See Also


Artist: Anggun

   New Age


Best of Anggun   
 Best of Anggun

   Year: 2007   
Tracks: 17

Best Of (Italian Retail)   
 Best Of (Italian Retail)

   Year: 2007   
Tracks: 17


   Year: 2005   
Tracks: 15

Open Hearts   
 Open Hearts

   Year: 2002   
Tracks: 9


   Year: 2002   
Tracks: 16

Desirs Contraires   
 Desirs Contraires

   Year: 2000   
Tracks: 15


   Year: 2000   
Tracks: 14

Snow On The Sahara   
 Snow On The Sahara

   Year: 1999   
Tracks: 16

Au Nom De La Lune   
 Au Nom De La Lune

   Year: 1997   
Tracks: 16

An Indonesian pop princess wHO later affected to Europe to seize the Western charts as well, Anggun was born in Jakarta and listened to native Javanese music as well as john Rock icons care Elvis Presley. She began playacting at the age of seven, and recorded her first record album just deuce years later. By the metre Anggun was 17, she had become the almost popular creative person in the country during the former '90s.

Not satisfied with her succeeder, Anggun stirred to London and by and by Paris to begin recording for a breakthrough into the European charts. With the avail of producer Erick Benzi (whose credits extend from Celine Dion to Jean-Jacque Goldman and Johnny Hallyday), the soulstress recorded the record album Snowfall on the Sahara for a 1998 waiver on Epic Records.

Ion Ludwig

Ion Ludwig   
Artist: Ion Ludwig



The Ace EP (Vinyl)   
 The Ace EP (Vinyl)

   Year: 2007   
Tracks: 2


   Year: 2007   
Tracks: 3

Impression Express   
 Impression Express

   Year: 2007   
Tracks: 5


Spielberg looks to direct film of '39 Clues'

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - The DreamWorks studio on Wednesday said it has acquired movie rights to the book, Internet and card game series "The 39 Clues," with Steven Spielberg looking to direct a film version.

"The 39 Clues" is a multimedia product set to be launched in September by U.S. publisher Scholastic Corp., which is the same company that published the wildly popular "Harry Potter" books about the British boy wizard.

The new series includes 10 books, more than 350 collectible cards and an online game in which kids compete for prices by unraveling a mystery that delves into the global power behind a family named the Cahills. The first book in the series, "The Maze of Bones," was written by Rick Riordan.

"'The 39 Clues' takes creative leaps to expand the story experience from the pages of the books to multiple stages of discovery and imagination," Spielberg said in a statement. "We have the opportunity to develop this property that says 'film,' 'family,' 'fun' and 'franchise.'"

DreamWorks is currently owned by Paramount Pictures, a unit of Viacom Inc.

(Reporting by Bob Tourtellotte; editing by Steve Gorman)

Thursday 26 June 2008

Duffy gets her Mojo

Duffy's smash hit single 'Mercy' was named Song of the Year at last night's Mojo Awards 2008.
Nominated in three categories, more than any other artist, Duffy joined fellow Mojo Honours List winners Led Zeppelin, Paul Weller, Sex Pistols, Genesis, Neil Diamond and The Specials.
The musician was beaten as 'Best Breakthrough Act' by Arctic Monkeys frontman Alex Turner's side project The Last Shadow Puppets.
The Welsh singer-songwriter also lost out on the 'Best Album Award' to Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds for their offering 'Dig, Lazarus Dig!!!'

Talitha Mackenzie and Martin Swan

Talitha Mackenzie and Martin Swan   
Artist: Talitha Mackenzie and Martin Swan



Mouth Music   
 Mouth Music

   Year: 1991   
Tracks: 10


Amy Winehouse rushed to hospital (+video)

LONDON - Troubled British soul singer Amy Winehouse fainted at home today and her father rushed her to hospital for tests, her publicist said."Amy was at home this afternoon when she briefly fainted. Fortunately, her manager's assistant was there to stop her falling," publicist Tracey Miller said."She quickly recovered and her father Mitch took her to hospital as a precaution. Doctors are unsure of the cause of the incident and Amy is currently undergoing tests. She may be kept in overnight for observation."The Grammy-winning singer and songwriter, 24, has publicly battled drug problems and her personal life has frequently attracted media attention.Her husband, Blake Fielder-Civil, pleaded guilty this month to beating up a bar tender and conspiring to pervert the course of justice by trying to pay him not to testify.- REUTERS

Joseph Nothing

Joseph Nothing   
Artist: Joseph Nothing



Just One Fix / Spanking / LoveHate Co.   
 Just One Fix / Spanking / LoveHate Co.

   Year: 2001   
Tracks: 2


Perzonal War


Artist: Clubbervision



Changing Places (Remixes)   
 Changing Places (Remixes)

   Year: 2007   
Tracks: 3


Fletcher Henderson

Fletcher Henderson   
Artist: Fletcher Henderson




   Year: 1938   
Tracks: 22


   Year: 1937   
Tracks: 9


   Year: 1934   
Tracks: 16

Ken Burns Jazz   
 Ken Burns Jazz

Tracks: 25

Fletcher Henderson was very important to early jazz as leader of the low gear smashing jazz vainglorious banding, as an arranger and composer in the thirties, and as a masterly endowment scout. Between 1923-1939, rather an all-star draw of summit pres Young pitch-dark jazz musicians passed through his orchestra, including trumpeters Louis Armstrong, Joe Smith, Tommy Ladnier, Rex Stewart, Bobby Stark, Cootie Williams, Red Allen, and Roy Eldridge; trombonists Charlie Green, Benny Morton, Jimmy Harrison, Sandy Williams, J.C. Higginbottham, and Dickie Wells; clarinettist Buster Bailey; tenors Coleman Hawkins (1924-1934), Ben Webster, Lester Young (whose brief stint was non recorded), and Chu Berry; altoists Benny Carter, Russell Procope, and Hilton Jefferson; bassists John Kirby and Israel Crosby; drummers Kaiser Marshall, Walter Johnson, and Sid Catlett; invitee pianist Fats Waller; and such arrangers as Don Redman, Benny Carter, Edgar Sampson, and Fletcher's jr. brother Horace Henderson. And yet, at the height of the swing geological era, Henderson's band was little-known.

John Fletcher Henderson had a degree in alchemy and maths, merely when he came to New York in 1920 with hopes of decent a chemist, the only job he could detect (due to the racial discrimination of the times) was as a sung demonstrator with the Pace-Handy music company. Harry Pace before long founded the Black Swan label, and Henderson, a various only jolly canonic pianist, became an important contributor behind the scenes, organizing bands and funding vapors vocalists. Although he started transcription as a leader in 1921, it was non until January 1924 that he set up together his first permanent bad band. Using Don Redman's innovative arrangements, he was presently at the top of his field. His early recordings (Henderson made many records during 1923-1924) tend to be both futuristic and awkward, with strong musicianship merely disconnected diction. However, after Louis Armstrong coupled up in late 1924 and Don Redman started contributing more swinging arrangements, the Fletcher Henderson Orchestra had no close competitors artistically until the move up of Duke Ellington in 1927. By then, Henderson's band (after a period at the Club Alabam) was playing regularly at the Roseland Ballroom simply, due to the bandleader organism a very deaf businessman, the all-star kit recorded comparatively little during its tip (1927-1930).

With the departure of Redman in 1927, and the end of meanwhile periods when Benny Carter and Horace Henderson wrote the bulk of the arrangements, Fletcher himself developed into a teetotum adapter by the early '30s. However, the Depression took its toll on the band, and the increased contest from other orchestras (along with some high-risk business decisions and the loss of Coleman Hawkins) resulted in Henderson breakage up the bighearted band in early 1935. Starting in 1934, he began contributing versions of his better arrangements to Benny Goodman's new orchestra (including "Queen Porter Stomp," "Sometimes I'm Happy," and "Dispirited South Camp Meeting"), and ironically Goodman's recordings were immense hits at a clock time when Fletcher Henderson's name was not known to the general world. In 1936, he set up together a young orchestra and immediately had a hit in "Saint Christopher Columbus," simply after three years he had to disband again in 1939. Henderson worked as a stave organiser for Goodman and tied played in B.G.'s Sextet for a few months (although his skills on the pianoforte never did develop a good deal). He struggled through the forties, preeminent episodic bands (including one in the mid-'40s that utilized some arrangements by the whitney Young Sun Ra). In 1950, Henderson had a fine sextuplet with Lucky Thompson, simply a stroke concluded his career and light-emitting diode to his death in 1952. Virtually all of Fletcher Henderson's recordings as a drawing card (and many ar quite exciting) are presently usable on the Classics label and in more bit-by-bit fashion domestically.

Will Smith Seduces David Letterman With A Kiss

When Will Smith appeared on the David Letterman show, he did a lot more than just talk – He gave the chatshow host a great big kiss on the lips!

The Hollywood superstar is currently promoting his new film Hancock with Charlize Theron, and has been doing the media rounds building up hype for the upcoming flick.

When complimented by Letterman about his youthful good looks, Smith leaned in closer and started flirting, proclaiming: “Once you go black, you never go back Dave.”

He then proceeds and plants a great big wet one straight on his lips!

Should Jada be jealous? Be sure to leave your comments below.